new mummy wellness check
Going through a pregnancy can be an overwhelming experience for both you and your body and until you’ve been through it you may not completely understand the changes that your body goes through and that it doesn’t always end because you have given birth.
Now your baby is here and you're ready to get back to being you, but where do you start?
It has taken 9 months to create another beautiful life and it will take a few more for both you and your body to recover. So lets give it the best head start by doing a wellness check.
During 75 minute assessment we will…
Talk about your birth story
Discuss your recovery so far
Talk nutrition for recovery
Check your tummy for Disastasis Recti (ab separation)
We will do a Pelvic Floor & core assessment
Learn how to connect the pelvic floor
Breathing assessment
Learning how to breathe to encourage recovery and optimal pelvic floor function.
Talk toileting habits to help protect the pelvic floor and tummy.
Safe lifting and general movement with and without the baby.
Discuss where you want to go from here.